Happy Native American Heritage Month!

Happy Native American Heritage Month!

I want to wish each and every one of you a slower week. No, not in sales or in business. I want you to eat, don't get me wrong. I just want you to feel safe enough to stop. In the middle of your day and walk around the perimeter of your yard. If you don't have a yard, walk around your favorite space. If you are unable, close your eyes and breath. If you can't quite do this. Eyes wide open. Listen. Feel. Nurture those around you. Your people, your land, your neighbors, your plants, your animals, yourself. 

This is a reminder to be still when you can. You deserve it.

Plant People, An Anthology of Environmental Artists, Vol 3. is a collection of love letters to different plant species around us. Each different author discusses their relationship with their world, plants, and more. Featuring more than 30+ authors, poets, writers, and artists from around the world, Plant People Vol. 3 is finally HERE >>

A poem for The Food Forest: Spring 2023

Air season. Intellect, planning, executing with the fire of the sun. Warming us to work with the land. All is buzzing and moving.. and voicing, and rejoicing. Burn away the old.. make room for the babies. The ones we must tend. The ones we will groom for harvest. And we will feed ourselves. It’s revolutionary. Intention begets receiving. Sowing and reaping. Gardening is like playing with the universe. Empty space is fluid. Aether. Air. Wind. Metal. Gemini. Thinking, rationalizing, analyzing. On bees wings, fluid space that feels like air, whooshes over the rainbow stain glass mirror complex we call a wing, and swirled the smoke of my incense. It helps me see the movement. An outward visible movement cause by the invisible force. Air. Aer. Aether. 

-Leslie Walker

Author Interview with Lisa Lundeen: Wood-Solace, or a Return to Belonging

In this interview, healthcare chaplain and author Lisa Lundeen shares the inspiration behind her spiritual practice of botanical photography and how it informed the writing of her new book, “Wood-Solace, or a Return to Belonging.” She discusses the role of art and meditation in the writing process and the themes of nature and belonging present in the book. Lundeen also reflects on the challenges and obstacles she faced while writing and the meaning behind some of her favorite poems and passages. Through her discussion, she hopes to offer solace and contemplation to readers.

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Burning Old Leaves

Today I’m outside having a full moon fire. Burning out some old brush in a pile of wood waiting from when we took the greenhouse down. It’s a good time to burn it. It was nice and cool this morning. I even wore Mamaw‘s jacket. I’m burning my last piece for the day.

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