Plants & Poetry Journal

for every submission, plants & poetry team will plant a tree or other vegetation in our food forest in bella vista, ar.

calling all poets, earth dwellers, soil scientists, and nature writers to indulge in our new collection of poetry, prose, creative nonfiction, and mixed media.

"A key point in time in the history of microbes on our planet dates back to about 3.5 billion years ago when photosynthetic bacteria are thought to have first appeared on Earth. These bacteria, known as “cyanobacteria” or “blue-green algae” formed adhesive structures on the surfaces of rocks in calcareous mounds, made of layers of the lime-secreting cyanobacteria and trapped sediment. These structures called “stromatolites,” are responsible for introducing oxygen into our atmosphere...Combined with plants, which contain remnants of cyanobacteria in green cells allowing them to proliferate, bacteria are responsible for nearly 83% of earth’s biomass. Even more so, if we consider organisms that feed on plants, including ourselves. With that in mind, let’s shift our perspective again, and envision how it is actually bacteria that have hands so large, so all-encompassing, they can not only hold all humans, but they can also feed us, enable us to breathe, and give us life. Not so small after all! (Biome Makers)"

Connect and support Julie Martin

Previously published in National Federation of State Poetry Societies Encore: Prize Poems 2022

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