Katherine Edgren 

Katherine Edgren’s latest book, Keeping Out the Noise, is now available through Kelsay Books, Amazon, and Ingram.  In addition to her book The Grain Beneath the Gloss, published by Finishing Line Press, she also has two chapbooks: Long Division and Transports and has been published in numerous journals including: Coe Review, Third Wednesday, Christian Science Monitor, Birmingham Poetry Review, Peninsula Poets, the Decadent Review, Light, Orchards Poetry Journal, and Barbaric Yawp, among others. She has a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Michigan, and lives in Dexter, Michigan.

“Trillium” and “Sea Onions” featured in Plant People, An Anthology of Environmental Artists.

"Gift" and "Concurrence" featured in Gravity's Grave Vol. 2 The World Beneath Our Feet