Lynne Goldsmith

Lynne's first poetry book, Secondary Cicatrices, won the 2018 Halcyon Poetry Prize, was a 2019 Finalist in the American Book Fest Awards, a 2020 Human Relations Indie Book Award Gold Winner, a 2020 Finalist in the International Book Awards, a 2021 Finalist in the Book Excellence Awards, a 2021 Distinguished Favorite in the Independent Press Awards, and a 2021 Distinguished Favorite in the NYC Big Book Awards.

Lynne’s recently self-published book, The Story of Doves, just won a Royal Dragonfly Award for Picture Book 5 yrs and Under.

“Sulphur Shelf on Western Hemlock” “Glowing Mushroom” and “Honey Mushroom, Blue Mountains” featured in my core rises: mycorrhizal collection"

“Plant Strategy,” and “Anabiosis: Return to the Living,” poems in Sixth Issue, Art Meets Science: Examining Conservation & Biodiversity

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