
Historical Plant

Rory is, among other things, a plant science student and bookworm living and studying in Cornwall, UK. Having studied music and then ethnomusicology for many years, they turned to plants after leaving their MA course, faced with a long, empty spring with nothing obvious to do. As they began to study more about plants and where they come from, they realised that there were a lot of missing, un- and under-told stories of plants that have become immensely popular in the UK, and so their blog, Historical Plant, was born. As well as real-world plant stories, they enjoy studying the botany and ecology of fantasy worlds, combining their love of both with a long-standing love of Tolkien and other fantasy authors. They can be contacted via their blog,, via Twitter/Facebook/Instagram @historicalplant, or at

“Looking on the Bright Side: Tagetes erecta” featured in Plant People, An Anthology of Environmental Artists Vol. 2